Discover all sources of payment for
accident-related medical claims in real time

Intellivo maximizes subrogation reimbursements

Watch to see what sets us apart

Our solutions set you up to get paid
Maximize recoveries and increase revenue

Accident liability claim builder

Gather and compile all information necessary to prepare a bill or lien to recover accident-related medical claims.

Complex claims management

Identify and confirm payment sources for accident related medical claims, submit bill, and secure payment.

Subrogation recovery services

Increase recoveries and reimbursements by finding and securing every subrogation opportunity.

For providers and billers

Lack of easy access to motor vehicle and workers’ compensation claim information results in time consuming attempts for information from the patient.

For health plans and administrators

Bothersome questionnaires and phone calls to plan members are part of a slow process that yields fewer case identifications for subrogation.

Simply brilliant results

in reimbursements for payers and providers in 2023*

Simply brilliant solutions
start with you

Join our team and work alongside the best team in healthcare cost containment as you transform how providers, employers, and plan administrators think about better managing complex claims and lowering healthcare costs.

Find the spark for lower costs and higher revenue

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